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From: Peter Stephenson <pws@pwstephenson.fsnet.co.uk>
To: zsh-workers@sunsite.auc.dk (Zsh hackers list)
Subject: PATCH: 3.1.6-pws-11: basic tests
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 19:04:57 +0000	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <E11xalM-0005Vf-00.1999-12-13-19-04-00@mail2.svr.pol.co.uk> (raw)

Here are some tests for basic shell syntax, etc., corresponding to the
`Shell Grammar' texinfo node.  The tests now have numbers in front so that
they will be run in a reasonably sensible order, so that the old
Test/cd.ztst can be removed after applying this.  The driver script has
been tweaked a little, too.

A few issues turned up during this.  I have not looked into these in much

First, the test that runs this
  { cd /NonExistentDirectory >&/dev/null; } || print false
fails if the semicolon is missing, even though the same test usually works
in an interactive shell or after zsh -fc.  Other shells require the
semicolon, but zsh usually doesn't, and it needs to be handled

Second, `select' loops appear to try to open the input from the terminal
even in a non-interactive shell.  According to the manual page, it should
always use stdin.  One or maybe both of these is wrong.  In any case it's
impossible to run a simple non-interactive test for it.

Third, alternate forms of complex commands with braces are described in the
manual as just requiring a list before the opening brace.  This would
allow things like
  if true
    print true
which doesn't work.  Actually, it's already described in the FAQ that the
test has to be `clearly delimited', so in this case the manual just needs
to be clearer, and more explicit about what is allowed.

Fourth, which could be related to the first, this:
  case bravo {
    (alpha) print schmalpha
    (bravo) print schmavo
    (charlie) print schmarlie
doesn't work in the tests although, again, it works interactively or from
zsh -c.

Index: Etc/zsh-development-guide
RCS file: /home/pws/CVSROOT/projects/zsh/Etc/zsh-development-guide,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 zsh-development-guide
--- Etc/zsh-development-guide	1999/12/08 20:08:27	1.4
+++ Etc/zsh-development-guide	1999/12/13 18:44:48
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   a wide range of human and artificial life, it is very difficult to
   test the shell thoroughly.  For this purpose, the Test subdirectory
   exists.  It consists of a driver script (ztst.zsh) and various test
-  files (*.ztst) in a format which is described in cd.ztst, which acts
+  files (*.ztst) in a format which is described in 50cd.ztst, which acts
   as a template.  It is designed to make it easy to provide input to
   chunks of shell code and to test the corresponding standard output,
   error output and exit status.
Index: Test/.distfiles
RCS file: /home/pws/CVSROOT/projects/zsh/Test/.distfiles,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 .distfiles
--- Test/.distfiles	1999/12/07 22:18:16	1.1
+++ Test/.distfiles	1999/12/13 18:44:29
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
     .cvsignore .distfiles Makefile.in
-    cd.ztst
+    01grammar.ztst 02alias.ztst 03quoting.ztst 50cd.ztst
Index: Test/01grammar.ztst
RCS file: 01grammar.ztst
diff -N 01grammar.ztst
--- /dev/null	Tue May  5 21:32:27 1998
+++ 01grammar.ztst	Sun Dec 12 18:39:04 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# This file contains tests corresponding to the `Shell Grammar' texinfo node.
+  mkdir basic.tmp && cd basic.tmp
+  touch foo bar
+# Tests for `Simple Commands and Pipelines'
+  echo foo | cat | sed 's/foo/bar/'
+0:Basic pipeline handling
+  false | true
+0:Exit status of pipeline with builtins (true)
+  true | false
+1:Exit status of pipeline with builtins (false)
+  fn() { local foo; read foo; print $foo; }
+  coproc fn
+  print -p coproc test output
+  read -p bar
+  print $bar
+0:Basic coprocess handling
+>coproc test output
+  true | false && print true || print false
+0:Basic sublist (i)
+  false | true && print true || print false
+0:Basic sublist (ii)
+  (cd /NonExistentDirectory >&/dev/null) || print false
+0:Basic subshell list with error
+# Can someone convince me the following is really supposed to fail
+# without the semicolon present?
+  { cd /NonExistentDirectory >&/dev/null; } || print false
+0:Basic current shell list with error
+# Tests for `Precommand Modifiers'
+  - sh -c 'echo $0'
+0:`-' precommand modifier
+  echo f*
+  noglob echo f*
+0:`noglob' precommand modifier
+  (exec /bin/sh; echo bar)
+0:`exec' precommand modifier
+  cat() { echo Function cat executed; }
+  command cat && unfunction cat
+0:`command' precommand modifier
+<External command cat executed
+>External command cat executed
+  cd() { echo Not cd at all; }
+  builtin cd . && unfunction cd
+0:`builtin' precommand modifier
+# Tests for `Complex Commands'
+  if true; then
+    print true-1
+  elif true; then
+    print true-2
+  else
+    print false
+  fi
+0:`if ...' (i)
+  if false; then
+    print true-1
+  elif true; then
+    print true-2
+  else
+    print false
+  fi
+0:`if ...' (ii)
+  if false; then
+    print true-1
+  elif false; then
+    print true-2
+  else
+    print false
+  fi
+0:`if ...' (iii)
+  for name in word to term; do
+    print $name
+  done
+0:`for' loop
+  for (( name = 0; name < 3; name++ )); do
+    print $name
+  done
+0:arithmetic `for' loop
+  name=0
+  while (( name < 3 )); do
+    print $name
+    (( name++ ))
+  done
+0:`while' loop
+  name=0
+  until (( name == 3 )); do
+    print $name
+    (( name++ ))
+  done
+0:`until' loop
+  repeat 3 do
+    echo over and over
+  done
+0:`repeat' loop
+>over and over
+>over and over
+>over and over
+  word=Trinity
+  case $word in
+    Michaelmas) print 0
+                ;;
+    Hilary) print 1
+            ;;
+    Trinity) print 2
+             ;;
+    *) print 3
+       ;;
+  esac
+0:`case' loop, old syntax
+  word=Trinity
+  case $word in
+    (Michaelmas) print 0
+                ;;
+    (Hilary) print 1
+            ;;
+    (Trinity) print 2
+             ;;
+    (*) print 3
+       ;;
+  esac
+0:`case' loop, new syntax
+## This doesn't work, because zsh tries to read from the terminal
+## even in a non-interactive shell.  The manual implies it always reads
+## from stdin, even in an interactive shell.
+#  PS3="input> "
+#  select name in one two three; do
+#    print $name
+#  done
+#0:`select' loop
+#>1) one     2) two     3) three   
+  function name1 name2 () { print This is $0; }
+  name2
+  name1 name2() { print This is still $0; }
+  name2
+0:`function' keyword
+>This is name2
+>This is still name2
+  (time cat) >&/dev/null
+0:`time' keyword (status only)
+  if [[ -f foo && -d . && -n $ZTST_testdir ]]; then
+    true
+  else
+    false
+  fi
+0:basic [[ ... ]] test
+# Tests for `Alternate Forms For Complex Commands'
+## I simply can't get these to work.
+## I suspect that the lists which are allowed here are only syntactically
+## special tests.
+#  if true; { print true-1; } elif true; { print true-2; } else { false; }
+#  if false; { print true-1; } elif true; { print true-2; } else { false; }
+#  if false; { print true-1; } elif false; { print true-2; } else { false; }
+#0:Alternate `if' with braces
+## Are all those semicolons necessary?  If not, what are the rules?
+  if true; print true
+0:Short form of `if'
+  for name ( word1 word2 word3 ) print $name
+0:Form of `for' with parentheses.
+  for name in alpha beta gamma; print $name
+0:Short form of `for'
+  for (( val = 2; val < 10; val *= val )) print $val
+0:Short arithmetic `for'
+  foreach name ( verbiage words periphrasis )
+    print $name
+  end
+0:Csh-like `for'
+# see comment with braces used in if loops
+  val=0;
+  while (( val < 2 )) { print $((val++)); }
+0:Alternative `while'
+  val=2;
+  until (( val == 0 )) { print $((val--)); }
+0:Alternative `until'
+  repeat 3 print Hip hip hooray
+0:Short `repeat'
+>Hip hip hooray
+>Hip hip hooray
+>Hip hip hooray
+## Why doesn't this one work here?  It works from the command line
+## or with zsh -fc.
+#  case bravo {
+#    (alpha) print schmalpha
+#	    ;;
+#    (bravo) print schmavo
+#	    ;;
+#    (charlie) print schmarlie
+#	    ;;
+#  }
+#0:`case' with braces
Index: Test/02alias.ztst
RCS file: 02alias.ztst
diff -N 02alias.ztst
--- /dev/null	Tue May  5 21:32:27 1998
+++ 02alias.ztst	Sun Dec 12 18:48:27 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+  alias foo=echo
+  alias -g bar=echo
+  alias '\bar=echo'
+  foo foo
+0:Basic aliasing
+  bar bar
+0:Global aliasing
+  \foo foo
+1:Not aliasing
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: command not found: foo
+  \bar \bar
+0:Aliasing with a backslash
Index: Test/03quoting.ztst
RCS file: 03quoting.ztst
diff -N 03quoting.ztst
--- /dev/null	Tue May  5 21:32:27 1998
+++ 03quoting.ztst	Mon Dec 13 18:04:30 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+  print 'single  quotes'  "double  quotes"  `echo backquotes`
+0:Simple use of quotes
+>single  quotes double  quotes backquotes
+  foo=text
+  print -r '$foo\\\' "$foo\$foo\\\"\``echo bar`\`\"" `print -r $foo\\\``
+0:Quoting inside quotes
+>$foo\\\ text$foo\"`bar`" text`
+  print -r $'\'ut queant laxis\'\n"resonare fibris"'
+0:$'-style quotes
+>'ut queant laxis'
+>"resonare fibris"
+  print -r ''''
+  setopt rcquotes
+# We need to set rcquotes here for the next example since it is
+# needed while parsing.
+0:No RC_QUOTES with single quotes
+  print -r ''''
+  unsetopt rcquotes
+0:Yes RC_QUOTES with single quotes
Index: Test/50cd.ztst
RCS file: 50cd.ztst
diff -N 50cd.ztst
--- /dev/null	Tue May  5 21:32:27 1998
+++ 50cd.ztst	Mon Dec 13 17:54:36 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# This file serves as a model for how to write tests, so is more heavily
+# commented that the others.  All tests are run in the Test subdirectory
+# of the distribution, which must be writable.  They should end with
+# the suffix `.ztst': this is not required by the test harness itself,
+# but it is needed by the Makefile to run all the tests.
+# Blank lines with no other special meaning (e.g. separating chunks of
+# code) and all those with a `#' in the first column are ignored.
+# All section names start with a % in the first column.  The names
+# must be in the expected order, though not all sections are required.
+# The sections are %prep (preparatory setup:  code executed should return
+# status 0, but no other tests are performed), %test (the main tests), and
+# %clean (to cleanup: the code is simply unconditionally executed).
+# Literal shell code to be evaluated must be indented with any number
+# of spaces and/or tabs, to differentiate it from tags with a special
+# meaning to the test harness.  Note that this is true even in sections
+# where there are no such tags.  Also note that file descriptor 9
+# is reserved for input from the test script; if ZTST_verbose is set,
+# output is sent to the original stdout via fd 8.  Option settings
+# are preserved between the execution of different code chunks;
+# initially, all standard zsh options (the effect of `emulate -R zsh')
+# are set.
+# This optional section prepares the test, creating directories and files
+# and so on.  Chunks of code are separated by blank lines (which is not
+# necessary before the end of the section); each chunk of code is evaluated
+# in one go and must return status 0, or the preparation is deemed to have
+# failed and the test ends with an appropriate error message.  Standard
+# output from this section is redirected to /dev/null, but standard error
+# is not redirected.
+# Tests should use subdirectories ending in `.tmp'.  These will be
+# removed with all the contents even if the test is aborted.
+ mkdir cdtst.tmp cdtst.tmp/real cdtst.tmp/sub
+ ln -s ../real cdtst.tmp/sub/fake
+ mydir=$PWD
+# This is where the tests are run.  It consists of blocks separated
+# by blank lines.  Each block has the same format and there may be any
+# number of them.  It consists of indented code, plus optional sets of lines
+# beginning '<', '>' and '?' which may appear in any order.  These correspond
+# to stdin (fed to the code), stdout (compared with code output) and
+# stderr (compared with code error output) respectively.  These subblocks
+# may occur in any order, but the natural one is: code, stdin, stdout,
+# stderr.
+# The rules for '<', '>' and '?' lines are the same: only the first
+# character is stripped, with subsequent whitespace being significant;
+# lines are not subject to any substitution unless the `q' flags (see
+# below) is set.
+# Each chunk of indented code is to be evaluated in one go and is to
+# be followed by a line starting (in the first column) with
+# the expected status returned by the code when run, or - if it is
+# irrelevant.  An optional set of single-letter flags follows the status
+# or -.  The following are understood:
+#   d   Don't diff stdout against the expected stdout.
+#   D   Don't diff stderr agsinst the expected stderr.
+#   q   All redirection lines given in the test script (not the lines
+#       actually produced by the test) are subject to ordinary quoted shell
+#       expansion (i.e. not globbing).
+# This can be followed by a `:' and a message describing the
+# test, which will be printed if the test fails, along with a
+# description of the failure that occurred.  The `:' and message are
+# optional, but highly recommended.
+# Hence a complete status line looks something like:
+#  0dDq:Checking whether the world will end with a bang or a whimper
+# If either or both of the '>' and '?' sets of lines is absent, it is
+# assumed the corresponding output should be empty and it is an error if it
+# is not.  If '<' is empty, stdin is an empty (but opened) file.
+ cd cdtst.tmp/sub/fake &&
+ pwd &&
+ print $PWD
+0q:Preserving symbolic links in the current directory string
+ cd ../../.. &&
+ pwd &&
+ print $PWD
+0q:Changing directory up through symbolic links without following them
+ setopt chaselinks
+ cd cdtst.tmp/sub/fake &&
+ pwd &&
+ print $PWD
+0q:Resolving symbolic links with chaselinks set
+# This optional section cleans up after the test, if necessary,
+# e.g. killing processes etc.  This is in addition to the removal of *.tmp
+# subdirectories.  This is essentially like %prep, except that status
+# return values are ignored.
Index: Test/cd.ztst
RCS file: /home/pws/CVSROOT/projects/zsh/Test/cd.ztst,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 cd.ztst
--- Test/cd.ztst	1999/12/07 22:18:16	1.1
+++ Test/cd.ztst	1999/12/13 18:45:33
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# This file serves as a model for how to write tests, so is more heavily
-# commented that the others.  All tests are run in the Test subdirectory
-# of the distribution, which must be writable.  They should end with
-# the suffix `.ztst': this is not required by the test harness itself,
-# but it is needed by the Makefile to run all the tests.
-# Blank lines with no other special meaning (e.g. separating chunks of
-# code) and all those with a `#' in the first column are ignored.
-# All section names start with a % in the first column.  The names
-# must be in the expected order, though not all sections are required.
-# The sections are %prep (preparatory setup:  code executed should return
-# status 0, but no other tests are performed), %test (the main tests), and
-# %clean (to cleanup: the code is simply unconditionally executed).
-# Literal shell code to be evaluated must be indented with any number
-# of spaces and/or tabs, to differentiate it from tags with a special
-# meaning to the test harness.  Note that this is true even in sections
-# where there are no such tags.  Also note that file descriptor 9
-# is reserved for input from the test script; if ZTST_verbose is set,
-# output is sent to the original stdout via fd 8.  Option settings
-# are preserved between the execution of different code chunks;
-# initially, all standard zsh options (the effect of `emulate -R zsh')
-# are set.
-# This optional section prepares the test, creating directories and files
-# and so on.  Chunks of code are separated by blank lines (which is not
-# necessary before the end of the section); each chunk of code is evaluated
-# in one go and must return status 0, or the preparation is deemed to have
-# failed and the test ends with an appropriate error message.  Standard
-# output from this section is redirected to /dev/null, but standard error
-# is not redirected.
-# Tests should use subdirectories ending in `.tmp'.  These will be
-# removed with all the contents even if the test is aborted.
- mkdir cdtst.tmp cdtst.tmp/real cdtst.tmp/sub
- ln -s ../real cdtst.tmp/sub/fake
- mydir=$PWD
-# This is where the tests are run.  It consists of blocks separated
-# by blank lines.  Each block has the same format and there may be any
-# number of them.  It consists of indented code, plus optional sets of lines
-# beginning '<', '>' and '?' which may appear in any order.  These correspond
-# to stdin (fed to the code), stdout (compared with code output) and
-# stderr (compared with code error output) respectively.  These subblocks
-# may occur in any order, but the natural one is: code, stdin, stdout,
-# stderr.
-# The rules for '<', '>' and '?' lines are the same: only the first
-# character is stripped, with subsequent whitespace being significant;
-# lines are subject to ordinary quoted shell expansion (i.e. not globbing).
-# Each chunk of indented code is to be evaluated in one go and is to
-# be followed by a line starting (in the first column) with
-# the expected status returned by the code when run, or - if it is
-# irrelevant.  This can be followed by a `:' and a message describing the
-# test, which will be printed if the test fails, along with a
-# description of the failure that occurred.  The `:' and message are
-# optional, but highly recommended.
-# If either or both of the '>' and '?' sets of lines is absent, it is
-# assumed the corresponding output should be empty and it is an error if it
-# is not.  If '<' is empty, stdin is an empty (but opened) file.
-# TODO: flags to the post-code status line indicating that diffs are
-# not to be performed.
- cd cdtst.tmp/sub/fake &&
- pwd &&
- print $PWD
-0:Preserving symbolic links in the current directory string
- cd ../../.. &&
- pwd &&
- print $PWD
-0:Changing directory up through symbolic links without following them
- setopt chaselinks
- cd cdtst.tmp/sub/fake &&
- pwd &&
- print $PWD
-0:Resolving symbolic links with chaselinks set
-# This optional section cleans up after the test, if necessary,
-# e.g. killing processes etc.  This is in addition to the removal of *.tmp
-# subdirectories.  This is essentially like %prep, except that status
-# return values are ignored.
Index: Test/ztst.zsh
RCS file: /home/pws/CVSROOT/projects/zsh/Test/ztst.zsh,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 ztst.zsh
--- Test/ztst.zsh	1999/12/09 23:05:23	1.2
+++ Test/ztst.zsh	1999/12/13 18:48:02
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 # Produce verbose messages if non-zero.
 # If 1, produce reports of tests executed; if 2, also report on progress.
+# Defined in such a way that any value from the environment is used.
+: ${ZTST_verbose:=0}
 # We require all options to be reset, not just emulation options.
 # Unfortunately, due to the crud which may be in /etc/zshenv this might
@@ -42,19 +43,19 @@
+: ${TMPPREFIX:=/tmp/zsh}
 # Temporary files for redirection inside tests.
 # hold the expected output
 # hold the actual output from the test
 ZTST_cleanup() {
   cd $ZTST_testdir
-  rm -rf $ZTST_testdir/dummy.tmp $ZTST_testdir/*.tmp \
-         $ZTST_in $ZTST_out $ZTST_err $ZTST_tout $ZTST_terr
+  rm -rf $ZTST_testdir/dummy.tmp $ZTST_testdir/*.tmp ${TMPPREFIX}.ztst*$$
 # This cleanup always gets performed, even if we abort.  Later,
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@
   if [[ -n $ZTST_message ]]; then
     print "Was testing: $ZTST_message"
+  print "$ZTST_testname: test failed."
   exit 1
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@
 ZTST_verbose() {
   local lev=$1
-  [[ -n $ZTST_verbose && $ZTST_verbose -ge $lev ]] && print $* >&8
+  [[ -n $ZTST_verbose && $ZTST_verbose -ge $lev ]] && print -- $* >&8
 [[ ! -r $ZTST_testname ]] && ZTST_testfailed "can't read test file."
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@
 ZTST_getline() {
   local IFS=
   while true; do
-    read ZTST_curline <&9 || return 1
+    read -r ZTST_curline <&9 || return 1
     [[ $ZTST_curline == \#* ]] || return 0
@@ -145,7 +147,7 @@
 # Read in a piece for redirection.
 ZTST_getredir() {
-  local char=${ZTST_curline[1]}
+  local char=${ZTST_curline[1]} fn
   while ZTST_getline; do
     [[ $ZTST_curline[1] = $char ]] || break
@@ -154,6 +156,22 @@
   ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_getredir: read redir for '$char':
+case $char in
+  '<') fn=$ZTST_in
+       ;;
+  '>') fn=$ZTST_out
+       ;;
+  '?') fn=$ZTST_err
+       ;;
+   *)  ZTST_testfailed "bad redir operator: $char"
+       ;;
+if [[ $ZTST_flags = *q* ]]; then
+  print -r -- "${(e)ZTST_redir}" >>$fn
+  print -r -- "$ZTST_redir" >>$fn
 # Execute an indented chunk.  Redirections will already have
@@ -210,27 +228,24 @@
 	[[:space:]]##[^[:space:]]*) ZTST_getchunk
-	  [[ $ZTST_curline != [-0-9]* ]] &&
-	  ZTST_testfailed "expecting test status at:
-          ZTST_xstatus=$ZTST_curline
-	  if [[ $ZTST_curline == (#b)([^:]##):(*) ]]; then
+	  if [[ $ZTST_curline == (#b)([-0-9]##)([[:alpha:]]#)(:*)# ]]; then
-	    ZTST_message=$match[2]
+	    ZTST_flags=$match[2]
+	    ZTST_message=${match[3]:+${match[3][2,-1]}}
+	  else
+	    ZTST_testfailed "expecting test status at:
 	'<'*) ZTST_getredir
-	  print -r "${(e)ZTST_redir}" >>$ZTST_in
 	'>'*) ZTST_getredir
-          print -r "${(e)ZTST_redir}" >>$ZTST_out
 	'?'*) ZTST_getredir
-	  print -r "${(e)ZTST_redir}" >>$ZTST_err
 	*) ZTST_testfailed "bad line in test block:
@@ -241,8 +256,7 @@
     # If we found some code to execute...
     if [[ -n $ZTST_code ]]; then
-      ZTST_verbose 1 "Running test:
+      ZTST_verbose 1 "Running test: $ZTST_message"
       ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_test: expecting status: $ZTST_xstatus"
       ZTST_execchunk <$ZTST_in >$ZTST_tout 2>$ZTST_terr
@@ -250,7 +264,9 @@
       # First check we got the right status, if specified.
       if [[ $ZTST_xstatus != - && $ZTST_xstatus != $ZTST_status ]]; then
 	ZTST_testfailed "bad status $ZTST_status, expected $ZTST_xstatus from:
+Error output:
       ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_test: test produced standard output:
@@ -259,11 +275,13 @@
       # Now check output and error.
-      if ! diff -c $ZTST_out $ZTST_tout; then
+      if [[ $ZTST_flags != *d* ]] && ! diff -c $ZTST_out $ZTST_tout; then
 	ZTST_testfailed "output differs from expected as shown above for:
+Error output:
-      if ! diff -c $ZTST_err $ZTST_terr; then
+      if [[ $ZTST_flags != *D* ]] && ! diff -c $ZTST_err $ZTST_terr; then
 	ZTST_testfailed "error output differs from expected as shown above for:

Peter Stephenson <pws@pwstephenson.fsnet.co.uk>

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1999-12-13 19:04 Peter Stephenson [this message]
2000-01-11 21:51 ` PATCH: " Peter Stephenson

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