​Thanks for the clarification.

I would imagine markdown, if used at all, would be restricted to a few
package files that are currently plain text.

I agree.

Bevan Stanely

From: Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@ntlworld.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 8:46:18 PM
To: Bevan Stanely <bevanstanely@iisc.ac.in>; zsh-workers@zsh.org <zsh-workers@zsh.org>
Subject: Re: Proposal: Use Markdown syntax for README and other documentation
External Email

> On 19 May 2022 at 16:10 Bevan Stanely <bevanstanely@iisc.ac.in> wrote:
> 1. What do you mean by rendering carefully formatted package documentation?
> Is it similar to literate programming or something like doxygen? Or
> markdown will be separate from source files.

That was simply a slightly cryptic reference to use of markdown I've
seen in other settings.

> 2. I thought yodl was the tool currently being used to generate the
> documentation website. I'm not sure if it's also handling man page
> generation. Are you considering a substitute for that approach?

Yodl is used for all internal documentation, including manual pages;
as it's working OK I don't think discussions to change that have ever
got very far --- it's easy to plan for, massively harder to do.

I would imagine markdown, if used at all, would be restricted to a few
package files that are currently plain text.
