Hello! This is some upgrades i've made for zsh-3.1.6, but it also useable for zsh-3.1.9 The first one is code to meke zsh truncate PS1 string backwards. Just use zro-started argument with %~ command to drop out the REST of path instead ofte HEAD. See the example (note %01~ entry): user@host:/usr..zsh/3.1.9/zsh> pwd; echo $PS1 /usr/local/lib/zsh/3.1.9/zsh %U%n%u@%B%m%b:%5(~:%01~..%3~:%~)> This is useful for keeping starting part of path, so I'll always be prompted the root of pwd. Who knows how many */bin's a system may have :) It also possible to use backward flag with another numeric-argumented commands in the future. The second one is Solaris 2.7+ configure patch to make it compile zsh with libcurses.so by default instead of termcap, which is unnative. If this is incorrect, and Solaris curses are bugged, please inform me... I never got a problem using zsh compiled with libcurses.so from Solaris 2.7 (so it was even possible to copy the library to Solaris 2.6 and 2.5.1!). This is useful for delicate terminal configuring. The patchfiles are all for zsh-3.1.9 sources. George V Kouryachy (aka Fr. Br. George) email: frbrgeorge@intelligencia.com