Dear zsh-workers, First i'd like to tell you that I really like zsh. Best shell there is! However, there is one small thing I like better about bash, and that's the double-tab-press or what ever you'd want to call it. It's sort of like zsh with AUTO_LIST set, but with the exception that you have to press tab twice before the list is displayed. Of course the other features of zsh outweighs that one advantage eith bash, so I still use zsh as my loginshell, as well as favourite shellscript-interpreter. I've made an ugly patch that fixes it the way I like it, but it only hardcodes it into the shell. I'm attaching it to this mail, just to explain more exactly what it is I'd like. I suppose the correct way of doing is would be to have a variable that controls how many times you need to press tab before the list shows, and the turn the feature on or off with the AUTO_LIST option. I had plans to fix it this way myself, and send you that patch instead, but I havn't got around to doing it yet, and I'm not sure I ever will... Anyway, I hope you'll include something like this in future releases of zsh. Cheers! /Rasmus Tengblad PS. If this doesn't make any sense to you, don't hesitate to ask.