# # $Id: zshrc,v 2.0 1996/05/02 22:57:04 hzoli Exp $ # # Generic .zshrc file for zsh 2.7 # # .zshrc is sourced in interactive shells. It # should contain commands to set up aliases, functions, # options, key bindings, etc. # # Search path for the cd command cdpath=(.. ~ ~/src ~/zsh) # Use hard limits, except for a smaller stack and no core dumps unlimit limit stack 8192 limit core 0 limit -s umask 022 # Set up aliases alias mv='nocorrect mv' # no spelling correction on mv alias cp='nocorrect cp' # no spelling correction on cp alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir' # no spelling correction on mkdir alias j=jobs alias pu=pushd alias po=popd alias h=history alias grep=egrep alias ll='ls -l' alias la='ls -a' alias df='df -k' alias cls=clear # List only directories and symbolic # links that point to directories alias lsd='ls -ld *(-/DN)' # List only file beginning with "." alias lsa='ls -ld .*' # Shell functions setenv() { export $1=$2 } # csh compatibility manpath=( /usr/man /usr/share/catman /usr/share/man /usr/local/man ) export MANPATH # Filename suffixes to ignore during completion fignore=(.o .c~ .old .pro) # Set prompts PROMPT='%m %# ' # default prompt RPROMPT=' %~' # prompt for right side of screen MAILCHECK=300 HISTSIZE=200 DIRSTACKSIZE=20 watch=(notme) # watch for everybody but me LOGCHECK=300 # check every 5 min for login/logout activity WATCHFMT='%n %a %l from %m at %t.' # Set/unset shell options setopt notify globdots correct pushdtohome cdablevars autolist setopt autocd recexact longlistjobs setopt autoresume histignoredups pushdsilent noclobber setopt autopushd pushdminus extendedglob rcquotes mailwarning unsetopt autoparamslash alias ls='/bin/ls -F' alias d='ls -lF' alias sc='source ~/.zshrc'