On Sat, 27 Mar 2010, Wayne Davison wrote: > On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote: > if the SF git server were to go down, how is it any different > than the SF CVS server going down? > > > There are multiple git servers, all of which share the load for > serving every git request, no matter the project.  CVS doesn't play > well with shared storage, For anyone else interested in specifics, googling CVS NFS comes up with this thread[1], but more interesting was Linus's explanation of how git avoids NFS problems[2]. (NFS being the natural search term when "doesn't play well" and "shared storage" are mentioned.) > so there is just one cvs server for a particular project that is > active at any one time. This means that there are outages for > maintenance, outages for fail-overs, etc., more-so than there'd be > with git. Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense now. -- Best, Ben [1] CVS and NFS - ~4.5 years old - http://mongers.org/cvs#cvs_nfs [2] what's the current wisdom on git over NFS/CIFS? - 2009-07-02 - http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/122670