On Wed, 2 Feb 2011, ZyX wrote: > Reply to message «Re: Tee all output to log file?», > sent 20:28:13 02 February 2011, Wednesday > by Benjamin R. Haskell: > >> && exec env doinglogging=true ... > I used to write this as «doinglogging=true exec ...» or with > doinglogging=true > exec ... > Any reason why env command should envoked here I am not aware of? Nope, but it doesn't hurt much. 'env' execs, AFAIK, so it's only an extra (light) process startup. Mainly I was lazy. Accidentally wrote it as: && exec doinglogging=true screen ... Didn't work, since I'd put the precmd modifiers in the wrong order, and I tacked on 'env' instead of rearranging. -- Best, Ben