#compdef strace strace64 local curcontext="$curcontext" root local -i prec=1 form=1 ret=1 local -a state line expl alts suf typeset -A opt_args (( EUID && ! $+_comp_priv_prefix )) && root='!' _arguments -C -s \ \*{-E+,--env=}'[set or remove exported environment variable]:variable:->envars' \ '(:)*'{-p+,--attach=}'[attach to the process with specified process ID and begin tracing]:process ID:_pids' \ "${root}(-u --user)"{-u+,--user=}'[run as specified user]:user:_users' \ '--argv0=[set argv0 for program]:name' \ '(-b --detach-on)'{-b+,--detach-on=}'[detach from process on specified syscall]:syscall:(execve)' \ '(--daemonize)-D[run tracer as detached grandchild, keeping traced process as direct child of calling process]' \ '(-D)--daemonize=-[specify how to run tracer process]::method:(grandchild pgroup session)' \ '(-f --follow-forks)'{-f,--follow-forks}'[trace child processes as they are created by currently traced processes]' \ '(-I --interruptible)'{-I+,--interruptible=}'[specify when strace can be interrupted by signals]:interruptible:((1\:"no signals are blocked" 2\:"fatal signals are blocked while decoding syscall (default)" 3\:"fatal signals are always blocked (default with -o)" 4\:"fatal signals and SIGTSTP are always blocked"))' \ \*{-e+,--trace=}'[select events to trace or how to trace]:system call:->expressions' \ \*{-P+,--path=}'[trace only system calls accessing given path]:path:_files' \ '(-z -Z --successful-only --failed-only)'{-z,--successful-only}'[trace only system calls that return success]' \ '(-z -Z --successful-only --failed-only)'{-Z,--failed-only}'[trace only system calls that return an error]' \ '(-a --columns)'{-a+,--columns=}'[align return values in a specific column]:column number [40]' \ '(-i --instruction-pointer -c --summary-only)'{-i,--instruction-pointer}'[print instruction pointer at time of syscall]' \ '(-c --summary-only -k --stack-traces)'{-k,--stack-traces}'[obtain stack trace between each syscall]' \ '(-n --syscall-number)'{-n,--syscall-number}'[print syscall number]' \ '(-o --output)'{-o+,--output=}'[send trace output to the specified file]:output file:->file-pipe' \ '(-A --output-append-mode)'{-A,--output-append-mode}'[open the file provided with the -o option in append mode]' \ '--output-separately[output to separate files for child processes (by appending pid to file names)]' \ '(--quiet)-q[suppress messages about attaching, detaching etc]' \ '(-q --quiet)-qq[suppress messages about process exit status]' \ '(-q -qq --quiet)-qqq[suppress all suppressible messages]' \ '(-q -qq -qqq)--quiet=[suppress messages about attaching, detaching etc]:suppression:_sequence compadd - attach personality exit all' \ '(--relative-timestamps -c --summary-only)-r[print a relative timestamp upon entry to each system call]' \ '(-r -c --summary-only)--relative-timestamps=-[print a relative timestamp upon entry to each system call]:precision [us]:compadd -o nosort s ms us ns' \ '(--absolute-timestamps)-t[prefix each line of the trace with the wall clock time]' \ '(-t)--absolute-timestamps=-[prefix each line of the trace with the wall clock time]:: :->time-formats' \ '!(-t --absolute-timestamps)--timestamps=-:: :->time-formats' \ '(-s --string-limit)'{-s+,--string-limit=}'[specify the maximum string size to print]:maximum string size [32]' \ '(-c --summary-only -ttt)-t[prefix each line of the trace with the time of day]' \ '(-c --summary-only -ttt -tt)-tt[prefix each line of the trace with the time of day including the microseconds]' \ '(-c --summary-only -tt -t)-ttt[prefix each line of the trace with the number of seconds and microseconds since the epoch]' \ '(--syscall-times -c --summary-only)-T[show the time spent in system calls]' \ '(-T -c --summary-only)--syscall-times=-[show the time spent in system calls]::precision [us]:compadd -o nosort s ms us ns' \ '(-v --no-abbrev)'{-v,--no-abbrev}'[print unabbreviated versions of environment, stat, termios, etc. calls]' \ '(-xx --strings-in-hex)-x[print all non-ASCII strings in hexadecimal string format]' \ '(-x --strings-in-hex)-xx[print all strings in hexadecimal string format]' \ '(-x -xx)--strings-in-hex=[specify strings to print in hexadecimal format]:string type:(all non-ascii non-ascii-chars)' \ '(-X --const-print-style)'{-X+,--const-print-style=}'[set the format for printing of named constants and flags]:format:(raw abbrev verbose)' \ '(-c --summary-only -yy --decode-fds)-y[print paths associated with file descriptor arguments]' \ '(-c --summary-only -y --decode-fds)-yy[print protocol specific information associated with socket file descriptors]' \ '(-c --summary-only -y -yy)--decode-fds=-[print information associated with file descriptors]::information [none]:_sequence compadd - none all path socket dev pidfd signalfd' \ '(-c --summary-only -Y)--decode-pids=[print information associated with process IDs]:information [none]:_sequence compadd - none comm pidns' \ '!(-c --summary-only -Y --decode-pids)--pidns-translation' \ '(-c --summary-only --decode-pids)-Y[print command names for PIDs]' \ '(-c --summary-only -C --summary -i --instruction-pointer -k --stack-traces -r --relative-timestamps -ff -t -tt -ttt --absolute-timestamps -T --syscall-times -y -yy --decode-fds)'{-c,--summary-only}'[count time, calls, and errors for each system call and report a summary]' \ '(-c --summary-only -C --summary)'{-C,--summary}'[count time, calls, and errors for each system call and report a summary in addition to regular output]' \ '(-O --summary-syscall-overhead)'{-O+,--summary-syscall-overhead=}'[specify overhead for tracing system calls]:overhead (microseconds)' \ '(-S --summary-sort-by)'{-S+,--summary-sort-by=}'[sort the output of the histogram (-c option) by the specified criterion]:sort criterion [time]:(time min-time max-time avg-time calls errors name nothing)' \ '(-U --summary-columns)'{-U+,--summary-columns=}'[show specific columns in the summary report]:column:_sequence compadd - time-percent total-time min-time max-time avg-time calls errors name' \ '(-w --summary-wall-clock)'{-w,--summary-wall-clock}'[summarise syscall latency]' \ '(-c --summary-only -C)-ff[write each process trace to . (when using -o ]' \ '--syscall-limit=[detach all tracees after tracing given number of syscalls]:limit' \ '(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}'[show debug output of strace itself on standard error]' \ '(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \ '--seccomp-bpf[enable seccomp-bpf filtering]' \ '--tips=-[show strace tips, tricks, and tweaks before exit]:tip [id\:random,format\:compact]' \ '(- 1 *)'{-V,--version}'[display version information]' \ '(-):command name: _command_names -e' \ '*::arguments:_normal' && ret=0 case $state in expressions) _values -C -S = 'qualifying expression' \ 'trace[trace specified set of system calls only]:system calls:->syscalls' \ 'abbrev[abbreviate the output from printing each member of large structures]:system call:_sequence _sys_calls -a -n' \ 'verbose[dereference structures for the specified set of system calls]:system call:_sequence _sys_calls -a -n' \ 'raw[print raw, undecoded arguments for the specified set of system calls]:system call:_sequence _sys_calls -a -n' \ 'signal[trace only the specified subset of signals]:signal:_sequence _signals -s -M "B\:!="' \ 'trace-fds[trace operations on listed file descriptors]:file descriptor:_sequence _file_descriptors' \ 'read[perform a full hex and ASCII dump of all the data read from listed file descriptors]:file descriptor:_sequence _file_descriptors' \ 'write[perform a full hex and ASCII dump of all the data written to listed file descriptors]:file descriptor:_sequence _file_descriptors' \ 'fault[perform syscall fault injection]:system call:_sys_calls -a -n' \ 'inject[perform syscall tampering]:system call:_sys_calls -a -n' \ 'status[trace system calls with given return status]:status:->status' \ 'quiet[suppress various information messages]:message [none]:_sequence compadd - none attach exit path-resolution personality thread-execve superseded' \ 'kvm[print the exit reason of kvm vcpu]: :(vcpu)' \ 'decode-fds[print information associated with file descriptors]:information [none]:_sequence compadd - none all path socket dev pidfd signalfd' \ 'decode-pids[print information associated with process IDs]:information [none]:_sequence compadd - none comm pidns' && ret=0 if [[ $state = status ]]; then _values -s , 'return status [all]' \ all successful failed \ "unfinished[system calls that don't return]" \ 'unavailable[system calls that return but strace fails to fetch the error]' \ 'detached[system calls where strace detaches before the return]' && ret=0 elif [[ $words[CURRENT] != *=* || $state = syscalls ]]; then local dedup sets compset -P '!' dedup=( ${(Ms.,.)PREFIX##*,} ${(Ms.,.)SUFFIX%%,*} ) compset -S ',*' || suf=( "-qS," ) compset -P '*,' if compset -P /; then _wanted syscalls expl "system call (regex)" _sys_calls -a -n $suf -F dedup && ret=0 else sets=( '%clock:trace system calls that read or modify system clocks' '%creds:trace system calls that read or modify user and group identifiers or capability sets' {%,}'file:trace all system calls which take a file name as an argument' {%,}'process:trace all system calls which involve process management' {%net,{%,}network}':trace all the network related system calls' {%,}'signal:trace all signal related system calls' {%,}'ipc:trace all IPC related system calls' {%,}'desc:trace all file descriptor related system calls' {%,}'memory:trace all memory mapping related system calls' '%stat:trace variants of stat' '%lstat:trace variants of lstat' '%fstat:trace variants of fstat and fstatat' '%%stat:trace variants of all syscalls used for requesting file status' '%statfs:trace variants of statfs' '%fstatfs:trace variants of fstatfs' '%%statfs:trace variants of all syscalls used for file system statistics' '%pure:trace syscalls that always succeed and have no arguments' ) _alternative \ "sets:related system call: _describe -t traces 'related system call' sets -F dedup $suf" \ "syscalls:system call:_sys_calls -a -n $suf -F dedup" && ret=0 fi fi ;; file-pipe) compset -P '\\' if (( ! $+opt_args[-ff] )) && compset -P '(!|\|)'; then compset -q if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _command_names -e && ret=0 else _normal && ret=0 fi else _files && ret=0 fi ;; envars) if [[ -prefix *=* ]]; then compstate[parameter]="${PREFIX%%\=*}" compset -P 1 '*=' _value && ret=0 else _parameters -qS= -g "*export*" && ret=0 fi ;; time-formats) alts=() compset -P '(precision:*|s|ms|us|ns),' && prec=0 compset -P '(format:*|none|time|unix),' && form=0 compset -S ',*' || (( !prec + !form )) || suf=( -S , ) if compset -P 'precision:'; then form=0 elif compset -P 'format:'; then prec=0 else alts=( 'prefixes:prefix:compadd -S ":" ${${(s. .):-format x}[form]} ${${(s. .):-precision x}[prec]}' ) fi (( prec )) && alts+=( 'precisions:precision [s]:compadd -o nosort $suf s ms us ns' ) (( form )) && alts+=( 'formats:format [time]:compadd $suf none time unix' ) _alternative $alts && ret=0 ;; esac return ret