texinode(Conditional Expressions)(Prompt Expansion)(Arithmetic Evaluation)(Top) chapter(Conditional Expressions) ifzman(\ sect(Conditional Expressions) )\ cindex(conditional expressions) cindex(expressions, conditional) A em(conditional expression) is used with the tt([[) compound command to test attributes of files and to compare strings. Each expression can be constructed from one or more of the following unary or binary expressions: startitem() item(tt(-a) var(file))( true if var(file) exists. ) item(tt(-b) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a block special file. ) item(tt(-c) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a character special file. ) item(tt(-d) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a directory. ) item(tt(-e) var(file))( true if var(file) exists. ) item(tt(-f) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a regular file. ) item(tt(-g) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and has its setgid bit set. ) item(tt(-h) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a symbolic link. ) item(tt(-k) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and has its sticky bit set. ) item(tt(-n) var(string))( true if length of var(string) is non-zero. ) item(tt(-o) var(option))( true if option named var(option) is on. var(option) may be a single character, in which case it is a single letter option name. (See noderef(Specifying Options).) When no option named var(option) exists, and the tt(POSIX_BUILTINS) option hasn't been set, return 3 with a warning. If that option is set, return 1 with no warning. ) item(tt(-p) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a FIFO special file (named pipe). ) item(tt(-r) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is readable by current process. ) item(tt(-s) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and has size greater than zero. ) item(tt(-t) var(fd))( true if file descriptor number var(fd) is open and associated with a terminal device. (note: var(fd) is not optional) ) item(tt(-u) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and has its setuid bit set. ) item(tt(-v) var(varname))( true if shell variable var(varname) is set. ) item(tt(-w) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is writable by current process. ) item(tt(-x) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is executable by current process. If var(file) exists and is a directory, then the current process has permission to search in the directory. ) item(tt(-z) var(string))( true if length of var(string) is zero. ) item(tt(-L) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a symbolic link. ) item(tt(-O) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is owned by the effective user ID of this process. ) item(tt(-G) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and its group matches the effective group ID of this process. ) item(tt(-S) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and is a socket. ) item(tt(-N) var(file))( true if var(file) exists and its access time is not newer than its modification time. ) item(var(file1) tt(-nt) var(file2))( true if var(file1) exists and is newer than var(file2). ) item(var(file1) tt(-ot) var(file2))( true if var(file1) exists and is older than var(file2). ) item(var(file1) tt(-ef) var(file2))( true if var(file1) and var(file2) exist and refer to the same file. ) xitem(var(string) tt(=) var(pattern)) item(var(string) tt(==) var(pattern))( true if var(string) matches var(pattern). The two forms are exactly equivalent. The `tt(=)' form is the traditional shell syntax (and hence the only one generally used with the tt(test) and tt([) builtins); the `tt(==)' form provides compatibility with other sorts of computer language. ) item(var(string) tt(!=) var(pattern))( true if var(string) does not match var(pattern). ) item(var(string) tt(=~) var(regexp))( true if var(string) matches the regular expression var(regexp). If the option tt(RE_MATCH_PCRE) is set var(regexp) is tested as a PCRE regular expression using the tt(zsh/pcre) module, else it is tested as a POSIX extended regular expression using the tt(zsh/regex) module. Upon successful match, some variables will be updated; no variables are changed if the matching fails. If the option tt(BASH_REMATCH) is not set the scalar parameter tt(MATCH) is set to the substring that matched the pattern and the integer parameters tt(MBEGIN) and tt(MEND) to the index of the start and end, respectively, of the match in var(string), such that if var(string) is contained in variable tt(var) the expression `tt(${var[$MBEGIN,$MEND]})' is identical to `tt($MATCH)'. The setting of the option tt(KSH_ARRAYS) is respected. Likewise, the array tt(match) is set to the substrings that matched parenthesised subexpressions and the arrays tt(mbegin) and tt(mend) to the indices of the start and end positions, respectively, of the substrings within var(string). The arrays are not set if there were no parenthesised subexpressions. For example, if the string `tt(a short string)' is matched against the regular expression `tt(s+LPAR()...RPAR()t)', then (assuming the option tt(KSH_ARRAYS) is not set) tt(MATCH), tt(MBEGIN) and tt(MEND) are `tt(short)', tt(3) and tt(7), respectively, while tt(match), tt(mbegin) and tt(mend) are single entry arrays containing the strings `tt(hor)', `tt(4)' and `tt(6)', respectively. If the option tt(BASH_REMATCH) is set the array tt(BASH_REMATCH) is set to the substring that matched the pattern followed by the substrings that matched parenthesised subexpressions within the pattern. ) item(var(string1) tt(<) var(string2))( true if var(string1) comes before var(string2) based on ASCII value of their characters. ) item(var(string1) tt(>) var(string2))( true if var(string1) comes after var(string2) based on ASCII value of their characters. ) item(var(exp1) tt(-eq) var(exp2))( true if var(exp1) is numerically equal to var(exp2). Note that for purely numeric comparisons use of the tt(LPAR()LPAR())var(...)tt(RPAR()RPAR()) builtin described in ifzman(the section `ARITHMETIC EVALUATION')\ ifnzman(noderef(Arithmetic Evaluation)) is more convenient than conditional expressions. ) item(var(exp1) tt(-ne) var(exp2))( true if var(exp1) is numerically not equal to var(exp2). ) item(var(exp1) tt(-lt) var(exp2))( true if var(exp1) is numerically less than var(exp2). ) item(var(exp1) tt(-gt) var(exp2))( true if var(exp1) is numerically greater than var(exp2). ) item(var(exp1) tt(-le) var(exp2))( true if var(exp1) is numerically less than or equal to var(exp2). ) item(var(exp1) tt(-ge) var(exp2))( true if var(exp1) is numerically greater than or equal to var(exp2). ) item(tt(LPAR()) var(exp) tt(RPAR()))( true if var(exp) is true. ) item(tt(!) var(exp))( true if var(exp) is false. ) item(var(exp1) tt(&&) var(exp2))( true if var(exp1) and var(exp2) are both true. ) item(var(exp1) tt(||) var(exp2))( true if either var(exp1) or var(exp2) is true. ) enditem() For compatibility, if there is a single argument that is not syntactically significant, typically a variable, the condition is treated as a test for whether the expression expands as a string of non-zero length. In other words, tt([[ $var ]]) is the same as tt([[ -n $var ]]). It is recommended that the second, explicit, form be used where possible. Normal shell expansion is performed on the var(file), var(string) and var(pattern) arguments, but the result of each expansion is constrained to be a single word, similar to the effect of double quotes. Filename generation is not performed on any form of argument to conditions. However, it can be forced in any case where normal shell expansion is valid and when the option tt(EXTENDED_GLOB) is in effect by using an explicit glob qualifier of the form tt(LPAR()#q+RPAR()) at the end of the string. A normal glob qualifier expression may appear between the `tt(q)' and the closing parenthesis; if none appears the expression has no effect beyond causing filename generation. The results of filename generation are joined together to form a single word, as with the results of other forms of expansion. This special use of filename generation is only available with the tt([[) syntax. If the condition occurs within the tt([) or tt(test) builtin commands then globbing occurs instead as part of normal command line expansion before the condition is evaluated. In this case it may generate multiple words which are likely to confuse the syntax of the test command. For example, example([[ -n file*(#qN) ]]) produces status zero if and only if there is at least one file in the current directory beginning with the string `tt(file)'. The globbing qualifier tt(N) ensures that the expression is empty if there is no matching file. Pattern metacharacters are active for the var(pattern) arguments; the patterns are the same as those used for filename generation, see ifzman(\ zmanref(zshexpn)\ )\ ifnzman(\ noderef(Filename Generation)\ )\ , but there is no special behaviour of `tt(/)' nor initial dot, and the patterns `tt(**/)' and `tt(***/)' behave the same as `tt(*/)', in which the `tt(*)' has its standard behaviour but may also match further `tt(/)' characters. Also, no bare glob qualifiers are allowed, though the form `((#q)var(...))' is allowed as shown above. In each of the above expressions, if var(file) is of the form `tt(/dev/fd/)var(n)', where var(n) is an integer, then the test applied to the open file whose descriptor number is var(n), even if the underlying system does not support the tt(/dev/fd) directory. In the forms which do numeric comparison, the expressions var(exp) undergo arithmetic expansion as if they were enclosed in tt($LPAR()LPAR())var(...)tt(RPAR()RPAR()). For example, the following: example([[ ( -f foo || -f bar ) && $report = y* ]] && print File exists.) tests if either file tt(foo) or file tt(bar) exists, and if so, if the value of the parameter tt(report) begins with `tt(y)'; if the complete condition is true, the message `tt(File exists.)' is printed.