## vim:ft=zsh ## git support by: Frank Terbeck ## Distributed under the same BSD-ish license as zsh itself. setopt localoptions extendedglob NO_shwordsplit local gitdir gitbase gitbranch gitaction gitunstaged gitstaged gitsha1 local stgitpatch stgitunapplied local -i querystaged queryunstaged local -A hook_com VCS_INFO_git_getaction () { local gitdir=$1 local tmp for tmp in "${gitdir}/rebase-apply" \ "${gitdir}/rebase" \ "${gitdir}/../.dotest" ; do if [[ -d ${tmp} ]] ; then if [[ -f "${tmp}/rebasing" ]] ; then gitaction="rebase" elif [[ -f "${tmp}/applying" ]] ; then gitaction="am" else gitaction="am/rebase" fi return 0 fi done for tmp in "${gitdir}/rebase-merge/interactive" \ "${gitdir}/.dotest-merge/interactive" ; do if [[ -f "${tmp}" ]] ; then gitaction="rebase-i" return 0 fi done for tmp in "${gitdir}/rebase-merge" \ "${gitdir}/.dotest-merge" ; do if [[ -d "${tmp}" ]] ; then gitaction="rebase-m" return 0 fi done if [[ -f "${gitdir}/MERGE_HEAD" ]] ; then gitaction="merge" return 0 fi if [[ -f "${gitdir}/BISECT_LOG" ]] ; then gitaction="bisect" return 0 fi if [[ -f "${gitdir}/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" ]] ; then if [[ -d "${gitdir}/sequencer" ]] ; then gitaction=cherry-seq else gitaction=cherry fi return 0 fi return 1 } VCS_INFO_git_getbranch () { local gitdir=$1 tmp actiondir local gitsymref="${vcs_comm[cmd]} symbolic-ref HEAD" actiondir='' for tmp in "${gitdir}/rebase-apply" \ "${gitdir}/rebase" \ "${gitdir}/../.dotest"; do if [[ -d ${tmp} ]]; then actiondir=${tmp} break fi done if [[ -n ${actiondir} ]]; then gitbranch="$(${(z)gitsymref} 2> /dev/null)" [[ -z ${gitbranch} ]] && [[ -r ${actiondir}/head-name ]] \ && gitbranch="$(< ${actiondir}/head-name)" elif [[ -f "${gitdir}/MERGE_HEAD" ]] ; then gitbranch="$(${(z)gitsymref} 2> /dev/null)" [[ -z ${gitbranch} ]] && gitbranch="$(< ${gitdir}/MERGE_HEAD)" elif [[ -d "${gitdir}/rebase-merge" ]] ; then gitbranch="$(< ${gitdir}/rebase-merge/head-name)" elif [[ -d "${gitdir}/.dotest-merge" ]] ; then gitbranch="$(< ${gitdir}/.dotest-merge/head-name)" else gitbranch="$(${(z)gitsymref} 2> /dev/null)" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then gitbranch="refs/tags/$(${vcs_comm[cmd]} describe --all --exact-match HEAD 2>/dev/null)" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then gitbranch="${${"$(< $gitdir/HEAD)"}[1,7]}..." fi fi fi return 0 } gitdir=${vcs_comm[gitdir]} VCS_INFO_git_getbranch ${gitdir} if zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" get-revision ; then gitsha1=$(${vcs_comm[cmd]} rev-parse --quiet --verify HEAD) else gitsha1='' fi gitbranch="${gitbranch##refs/[^/]##/}" if [[ -z ${gitdir} ]] || [[ -z ${gitbranch} ]] ; then return 1 fi if zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" "check-for-changes" ; then querystaged=1 queryunstaged=1 elif zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" "check-for-staged-changes" ; then querystaged=1 fi if (( querystaged || queryunstaged )) && \ [[ "$(${vcs_comm[cmd]} rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)" == 'true' ]] ; then # Default: off - these are potentially expensive on big repositories if (( queryunstaged )) ; then ${vcs_comm[cmd]} diff --no-ext-diff --ignore-submodules --quiet --exit-code || gitunstaged=1 fi if (( querystaged )) ; then if ${vcs_comm[cmd]} rev-parse --quiet --verify HEAD &> /dev/null ; then ${vcs_comm[cmd]} diff-index --cached --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD 2> /dev/null (( $? && $? != 128 )) && gitstaged=1 else # empty repository (no commits yet) # TODO: ls-files' output isn't O(1); might be faster to use # empty_tree_sha1=$(git hash-object -t tree /dev/null) # git diff-index --cached --quiet $empty_tree_sha1 # (( $? && $? != 128 )) # to efficiently get the "is the index not empty?" bit. [[ -n "$(${vcs_comm[cmd]} ls-files --cached -z)" ]] && gitstaged=1 fi fi fi VCS_INFO_adjust VCS_INFO_git_getaction ${gitdir} gitbase=$( ${vcs_comm[cmd]} rev-parse --show-toplevel ) rrn=${gitbase:t} local patchdir=${gitdir}/patches/${gitbranch} if [[ -d $patchdir ]] && [[ -f $patchdir/applied ]] \ && [[ -f $patchdir/unapplied ]] then local -a stgit_applied stgit_unapplied stgit_all stgit_applied=(${(f)"$(< "${patchdir}/applied")"}) stgit_applied=( ${(Oa)stgit_applied} ) stgit_unapplied=(${(f)"$(< "${patchdir}/unapplied")"}) stgit_unapplied=( ${(oa)stgit_unapplied} ) stgit_all=( ${(Oa)stgit_applied} ${stgit_unapplied} ) if VCS_INFO_hook 'gen-applied-string' "${stgit_applied[@]}"; then if (( ${#stgit_applied} )); then stgitpatch=${stgit_applied[1]} else stgitpatch="" fi else stgitpatch=${hook_com[patch-string]} fi hook_com=() if VCS_INFO_hook 'gen-unapplied-string' "${stgit_unapplied[@]}"; then stgitunapplied=${#stgit_unapplied} else stgitunapplied=${hook_com[unapplied-string]} fi if (( ${#stgit_applied} )); then zstyle -s ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" patch-format stgitmsg || stgitmsg="%p (%n applied)" else zstyle -s ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" nopatch-format stgitmsg || stgitmsg="no patch applied" fi hook_com=( applied "${stgitpatch}" unapplied "${stgitunapplied}" applied-n ${#stgit_applied} unapplied-n ${#stgit_unapplied} all-n ${#stgit_all} ) if VCS_INFO_hook 'set-patch-format' "${stgitmsg}"; then zformat -f stgitmsg "${stgitmsg}" "p:${hook_com[applied]}" "u:${hook_com[unapplied]}" \ "n:${#stgit_applied}" "c:${#stgit_unapplied}" "a:${#stgit_all}" else stgitmsg=${hook_com[patch-replace]} fi hook_com=() else stgitmsg='' fi backend_misc[patches]="${stgitmsg}" VCS_INFO_formats "${gitaction}" "${gitbranch}" "${gitbase}" "${gitstaged}" "${gitunstaged}" "${gitsha1}" "${stgitmsg}" return 0