Hello, Git added the ability to have GPG signed pushes in v2.2.0 [1] back in 2014. however, there is currently no completion for these options. As a result, I'd like to request that they be added. Here are the options as listed in the man-pages [2] Excerpt: git push [--[no-]signed|--sign=(true|false|if-asked)] --[no-]signed:: --sign=(true|false|if-asked):: GPG-sign the push request to update refs on the receiving side, to allow it to be checked by the hooks and/or be logged. If `false` or `--no-signed`, no signing will be attempted. If `true` or `--signed`, the push will fail if the server does not support signed pushes. If set to `if-asked`, sign if and only if the server supports signed pushes. The push will also fail if the actual call to `gpg --sign` fails. See linkgit:git-receive-pack[1] for the details on the receiving end. -- NP-Hardass [1] http://git.kernel.org/cgit/git/git.git/tree/Documentation/RelNotes/2.2.0.txt?h=v2.2.0#n81 [2] http://git.kernel.org/cgit/git/git.git/tree/Documentation/git-push.txt#n15