#autoload local flag local -a specs local -A exclusion exclusion=( 'E' '[-_^#cCgGxXyY]' 'O' '[-_^#BdeHImMSuUVwWy]' '-' '[OEdegHIjklmMSUz]' '_' '[OEdgHIjmMSUz]' '0' '[Oekl]' '^' '[OEaAbBchP]' '#' '[OEaAbBchpPrXZ]' ) compset -P '(%[0-9EO_\\^#-]#[^0-9%EO_\\^#-]|[^%])#' compset -S '%*' specs=( 'a:abbreviated day name' 'A:full day name' 'b:abbreviated month name' 'B:full month name' 'c:preferred locale date and time' 'C:2-digit century' 'd:day of month (01-31)' 'D:american format month/day/year (%m/%d/%y)' 'e:day of month ( 1-31)' 'E:alternate representation' 'F:ISO 8601 year-month-date (%Y-%m-%d)' 'G:4-digit ISO 8601 week-based year' 'g:2-digit ISO 8601 week-based year' 'h:abbreviated month name' 'H:hour (00-23)' 'I:hour (01-12)' 'j:day of year (001-366)' 'k:hour ( 1-23)' 'l:hour ( 1-12)' 'm:month (01-12)' 'M:minute (00-59)' 'n:newline' 'O:alternative format modifier' 'p:locale dependent AM/PM' 'r:locale dependent a.m. or p.m. time (%I:%M:%S %p)' 'R:24-hour notation time (%H:%M)' 's:seconds since the epoch' 'S:seconds (00-60)' 't:tab' 'T:24-hour notation with seconds (%H:%M:%S)' 'u:day of week (1-7, 1=monday)' 'U:week number of current year, sunday based (00-53)' 'V:ISO 8601 week number of current year, week 1 has 4 days in current year (01-53)' 'w:day of week (0-6, 0=sunday)' 'W:week number of current year, monday based (00-53)' 'x:locale dependent date representation without time' 'X:locale dependent time representation without date' 'y:2-digit year (00-99)' 'Y:full year' 'z:UTC offset' 'Z:timezone name' '%:A %' ) case $OSTYPE in freebsd*|linux-gnu|solaris2.<11->) specs+=( "-:don't pad numeric values" '#:swap case of alphabetic characters' '0:left pad numeric values with zeroes' '^:convert lowercase characters to uppercase' '_:left pad numeric values with spaces' ) ;| linux-gnu|solaris2.<11->) specs+=( 'P:lower case locale dependent am/pm' ) ;| freebsd*) specs+=( 'v:date in short form (%e-%b-%Y)' ) ;| solaris2.<11->|freebsd*) specs+=( '+:localized representation of date and time' ) ;; solaris2.<-10>) specs=( ${specs:#[EOs]:*} ) ;; esac if [[ $1 == zsh ]]; then specs+=( 'f:day of month (1-31)' 'K:hour (0-23)' 'L:hour (0-12)' '.:fractional part of seconds since epoch' ) fi for flag in ${(s..)PREFIX#%}; do (( $+exclusion[$flag] )) && specs=( ${(M)specs:#${~exclusion[$flag]}:*} ) done _describe -t date-format-specifier 'date format specifier' specs \ -p "${(Q)PREFIX:-%}" -S '' _message -e date-format-precision 'precision for %%. (1-6)'